10 well-paid jobs that are still in high demand despite the crisis

Ezra Finch
2 min readApr 6, 2022

The job market is upside down. Due to the corona crisis, companies have less turnover and are therefore forced to lay off people. Figures from the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) show that unemployment rose again in June by no less than 74,000 people. LinkedIn also shows that more people are looking for a job: in June there were 2.4 times more applications via the platform than last year.

This does not mean that finding a new job is not necessary at all. Demand continues for certain jobs.

Looking for a job?

Are you one of the people who got fired because of corona? Or have you just graduated and are looking for a job? Then it is not surprising if you have lost hope a bit. However, the figures do not mean that it is no longer possible to find a job at all. LinkedIn has identified a top 10 jobs that are in active demand. These future-proof jobs and skills will help you in these times, according to LinkedIn’s analysis.

Many jobs in the top 10 do require digital skills. You could brush up on these with LinkedIn Learning ‘s online video courses . That immediately ensures that your job is future — proof.

Jobs that are still in demand

