Career switch to tech? These courses from Google make it possible

Ezra Finch
3 min readApr 7, 2022

Due to further digitization, the demand for employees in tech continues to increase. If you hope to make a career switch to that sector one day, it is certainly not a crazy dream. But don’t you have the money and time to do an education next to your current job? Then Google now comes up with an alternative. The tech company is launching affordable courses that allow you to earn a certificate in six months.

We tell you everything you want to know about the Google Career Certificates.

What is a Google Career Certificate?

You can follow a Google Career Certificate on the online platform Coursera. That means you can do the course online and at your own pace. In about six months you will learn everything about a specialization in tech.

Currently you can only participate in these IT courses :

  • Google IT Support
  • Google IT Automation with Python

The following courses are still planned:

  • Data analyst
  • Project Manager
  • UX Designer

Google plans to expand this offering in the future.

As good as a whole course?

