Preparing for a job interview: 6 tips for that ‘embarrassing’ moment

Ezra Finch
3 min readMar 22, 2022

It’s our biggest fear in advance at a job interview: not knowing the answer to a question, standing with your mouth full of teeth, and then not getting the job. But what if we told you that not having an answer to a job application question really isn’t the end of the world?

Maybe you still want to believe us, but you still have the question: what do I answer? Do you just have to admit that you don’t know the answer? We share six tips to still get that job.

No answer ready during a job interview?

No matter how well you prepare, there is always a chance that you will be presented with a question that you do not know the answer to. Hopefully, these tips will help ease your nerves a bit before the interview.

1. Don’t lie

Your first impression may be to lie or at least to be a bit stupid in the hope that you will say something useful somewhere. You’re afraid of appearing ignorant if you admit you don’t know the answer. But answer us this: how unprofessional is it when the person in front of you realizes what you are doing?

Whatever you do, don’t lie. Also read the application question that Elon Musk asks to detect liars.

2. Ask for clarification

