You and me at the movies.

Ezra Finch
2 min readJul 3, 2022

You and me at the movies.

We sat there in the dark in the back row and watched a typical boy movie. Well, I’d agree to be a part of it then. Now I was sitting there. Bored me a little bit. However, he was engrossed in the film. That’s when I made it up. I whispered little arousing things to him. There were three seats beyond me and four beyond him. I bit your earlobe. I know it turns him on. I kissed him down the throat, but he wouldn’t. Wanted to watch the movie while we were both aware of his little growing problem.
I was sitting there still bored. His growing problem had become great. I just happened to put my hand on the outside of my pants. On the dent. Followed the shape it had been given. Smiled at him a little. He noticed my gaze. Looked at me like I wouldn’t dare do something like that in a movie theater. My gaze was filled with desire and had a lot of passion in them. A burning passion. I looked at the two of them on either side. Both equally engrossed in the film.
He jerked off a little more when I opened his pants. I bowed my head with a bright smile. Let my hand at first cuddle a little without jerking off. Just stroke it a little gently. My tongue licked down and up the shaft a little softly. Let it play with his penis head. Prey on hard and soft tongue, wide tip and pointed tip. The balls got a little lick too. Not just one, but several before I kept concentrating on…

